Sunday, November 20, 2011

Practice What we Preach: a response to Danielle's blog

This is a response to Danielle's blog from 11/15/2011

I am honestly disgusted with the amount of students and people in general that are standing up for Joe Paterno. People are so concerned with the Penn State football image that they are willing to silence the voices of the young men that were being harmed. How are we advancing in so many other aspects of humanity, but when it comes to empathy we seem to be moving backward, not forward? I agree with Danielle that teaching young people to step in when they see injustice is extremely important. As an authority figure at a prestigious college, you would think Paterno would share the same views. It saddens me to see a grown man who has such a good reputation otherwise give a half assed attempt to say something about what he saw happen to those boys. What message are we sending to future generations? “Hey, bad stuff happens, and it’s okay to speak up… unless it’s your friend or colleague that’s doing something wrong. Then that’s bad… very, very bad. Look the other way kids; you’ll be better off that way.”

As future educators, we must practice what we preach.


  1. Lol, this topic is nothing compared to all the problems our society is facing Katherine. We have much bigger problems, such as; implosion of the dollar, endless wars, and corruption throughout D.C.

  2. Perhaps, but this isn't exactly a topic to ignore. It affects more children than we know unfortunately, all because they are too scared to speak up. To say that this issue isn't important to our society would be ignoring a student's right to feel safe educational institutions.

  3. Lol, I never said this topic wasn't important, just that other issues trump this one.
